Sleeper Cell (with Elora Crawford)
organized by Apparatus Projects

Montréal, Canada
November 2021

text by Elora Crawford (forthcoming)

Installation view.

Installation view.

House of your dreams (for Elora), 2021
blank keys, aluminum house numbers, deadstock glass beads from Queen Street, found plastic jewel, hardware store tag, and wire, salvaged wood, rope, twine, found steel pulley and sailboat cleat. 13 × 13 × 27 in., height variable.

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021

House of your dreams (for Elora) (detail), 2021