Duet is a two-channel sound piece. In the right channel, droning pulses are heard. These are solar sounds recorded in 1997 by Alexander Kosovichev of Stanford University. Using Michelson Doppler Imager data captured over 40 days, Kosovichev managed to filter clean sound waves which were scaled to the range of human hearing. In the left channel, Lockhart plays brushes on a ride cymbal, swirling, swelling, and pitter-pattering along with Kosovichev’s sounds.

The audio is burned to a CD-Rom in an edition of 30.
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exhibitions & fairs:
Dawn Draws, Dusk Drops at Joys (Toronto, Canada)
Art-O-Rama 2023, with South Parade (online)


Duet, 2023, 2-channel audio on CD-Rom, 1’33” (looped).
Edition of 30 + 1 AP

Installation view, Dawn Draws, Dusk Drops at Joys.