The World Awake at South Parade

Wrinkle at Hunt Gallery

Signal at Frida

To pluck eternity... at Susan Hobbs

a little, left over at Weatherproof

Doing Time at South Parade

Dawn Draws, Dusk Drops at Joys

A word for underfoot; The sun at Hunt Gallery

project space 21 with u's

Poem Objects at April April

Relay at Pumice Raft

Sleeper Cell with Apparatus Projects

Wrought Bundle at Afternoon Projects

Still Making Art: Volume 4 at KS28

Separation, Alignment, Cohesion at Laurel

Do You Like Worms? at Gazebo

Desk Show at Collision's Craft

Dweller at Tilde

Mudflat Pavilion at PS311

Planet of Weeds at Crutch CAC

envoi at Sibling

After the rain off-site exhibition

Sinkhole Project


∗ solo